Paint Pumpkins with Cool Whip

I think every parent is always thinking up some new activities to keep their kids entertained, especially when it comes to holidays. We’ve all seen the pinecones dipped in glitter and turkey handprints. My friend gave me a great tip – paint your pumpkins with Cool Whip. With little ones, having an edible cleanup is a win to me! I took her idea and tried it out on my own kids.

create edible paint with cool whip and food color

I bought the Cool Whip or any whipped topping will do, and let it thaw overnight in the fridge. Then I added food coloring, mixed together and viola! My paint was instantly ready.

Create edible paint with cool whip and food color

We picked up a few tiny pumpkins this year so I placed those on our patio table and let the kids have at it. As I’m writing this, they are still completely entertained and love that they can lick the “paint” off their arms.

ready to paint pumpkins with cool whip

Thank you to my friend for her suggestion to paint pumpkins with Cool Whip. This will definitely become a go-to activity every Halloween season!

CategoriesKid Crafts

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