Although it just turned Spring, we have already experienced some hot days. With those hot days, I like to serve more refreshing options with our meals. Big helpings of rice or pasta just don’t sound as appetizing when the sun is beating down on you. I was browsing my produce section and saw mangoes were on sale. I grabbed one and began to think about a delicious salad I could make.

I gathered my few ingredients and began to assemble. First I cut up 2 mangoes, which for me is harder than it seems. Real Simple has a good lesson on how to easily cut a mango. Next, I cut, pitted and cubed 2 avocados and sprinkled them with a little salt and pepper to bring out their flavor. Then I chopped up a jalapeno, red onion, mint, and cilantro. I combined everything into the bowl and topped it off with the juice of 2 limes.

The flavor was fresh, bright and satisfying. It’s great on its own as a side dish, but my husband told me he wanted to add it to tacos or use it as a dip for tortilla chips. I love how easy it was too. I had chicken grilling while I was chopping up the salad and everything was done in a snap. On a hot day, eating dinner on our patio, it’s nice to have a versatile dish to whip up.


Yields: 8 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 15 Mins
A refreshing and bright side dish or taco topper.


0/7 Ingredients
Adjust Servings


0/5 Instructions
  • Peel, slice and cube mango. Cut and cube avocado.
  • Dice jalapeno and finely dice the red onion.
  • Chop the cilantro and mint.
  • Add all ingredients into a bowl and mix. Toss with the lime juice.
  • Serve as a side dish or on top of tacos or grilled meat. Enjoy!

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